🛑 Stop worrying about marketing and focus on what you do best in your practice.
It's a tough world out there! P10X was started as a need for health care practitioners and entrepreneurs who wanted to get more out of practice and business. As a marketer, ultra-successful doctor and internet specialist, I developed state-of-the-art ads to help you attract more new clients to impact YOUR BOTTOM LINE.
There are lots of so-called "Gurus", "Facebook Specialist" and "kids in mom's basement", soliciting you to do your Facebook marketing...with many convincing you to sell your new patient exam for $29 to $49 dollars. And you wonder why your conversion to care is LOW. It's easy to take a Facebook course and claim that you're an ads agency.
Who do you trust?
Seriously...you wouldn't hire a plumber to do your electrical work! So WHY would you hire someone other than a specialist and marketer who ACTUALLY runs and builds 7-figure practices worldwide...with a strength on marketing and Facebook ads.
We also have a dedicated team, each with their own SUPER POWER to get the job done right.
Get started with the lowest hanging fruit. Your Facebook paid ads will QUICKLY add 20, 40 or 60+ new clients per month. It all depends on your Facebook ad spend per day. But if you know your numbers, then it ONLY takes 1 or 2 additional new patients per month, to pay for everything. The rest is 100% gravy!
My team monitors and measures your Facebook ad campaigns daily, tweaking, enhancing your ads to get the HIGHEST ROI (Return On Investment).
We're doing it every day, as well as HUNDREDS of my successful clients worldwide, many creating 7-FIGURE practices worldwide!
Now you can too! And the BEST part with our services...You also get a 7-FIGURE COACH to walk you through how to better CONVERT, RETAIN, SCALE and MONETIZE your practice or business! How cool is that?